News | Events and Lectures
  On this page we will from time to time draw your attention to evens in the field of industrial property protection and to lectures that will be held by our office or in which members of our office will take part.
 For more events please refer to our German Website
06.07.2004Der Weg zum neuen Firmen- oder Produktnamen
(The way to a new company or product name)

Basics of trade mark law and trade mark protection in Germany and abroad. Strategies and rules to develop a new name registrable as a trade mark and accepted by clients in different countries. (In German)

Event:                  One day course from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
        Dr. Wolfram Schlimme
          Business Academy Mainburg

22.04.2004Der Schutz von Marken und Firmennamen
(The protection of trade marks and company names)
Basics of trade mark law and trade mark protection in Germany and abroad with a topic on the new EU countries. (In German)

Event:                  Evening course from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
        Dr. Wolfram Schlimme
          Business Academy Mainburg